Ginninderry Stage 1
Ginninderry Stage 1 Subdivision
The construction of the Ginninderry Stage 1 subdivision will contain 356 residential dwellings including single dwellings, townhouses and multi-unit sites in Stages 1A, 1B and 1C. This is Stage 1 of a broader development, which will eventually contain 11,500 dwellings spanning across ACT and NSW.
Huon’s construction works for the project include:
- Earthworks
- Hydraulic and Underground Services
- Roadworks
- Concrete Works
- Fencing and Environmental Protection
- Landscaping
- Sewer vortex drop structure
- Relocation of the Bicentennial National Trail (BNT)
- Upgrades to Drake Brockman Drive
Subdivisions & general infrastructure
Overall project value
Ginninderry NSW
Riverview Projects
November 2019